Specialized User Service Unit (Unidad Especializada de Atención de Usuarios – UNE)
Specialized User Service Unit (Unidad Especializada de Atención a Usuarios – UNE)
Vextor Activo, S.A. de C.V., SOFOM, E.N.R.
Head of the UNE: Juan Francisco Corral Orozco
Km 7.5 carretera a Cuauhtémoc S/N, Colonia Las Ánimas C.P. 31450 city/municipality: Chihuahua, state: Chihuahua. Reference: Grupo Bafar corporate offices between San Juan Del Rio and Santa Eulalia streets.
Email(s) and phone(s) of the UNE holder: jfcorral@bafar.com.mx (614) 439.0100 ext. 7144 / 55 91 85 22 08
On-site schedule: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm and Monday to Friday from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Means of reception: e-mail, customer service offices, telephone, UNE.
Levels of service: service offices, UNE. Electronic media.
Electronic media: web page: https://grupobafar.com/unidades-de-negocio/vextor/
The response time to queries or complaints will not exceed 30 business days, in compliance with Article 50 Bis of the Law for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users. In the case of clarifications, the term shall not exceed 45 calendar days, in compliance with Article 23 of the Law for the Transparency and Ordering of Financial Services.
Chihuahua |
Erika Horn Miranda Km 7.5 carretera a Cuauhtémoc S/N, Col. Las Ánimas, C.P. 31450. City Hall/Municipality: Chihuahua. State: Chihuahua. Reference: Grupo Bafar corporate offices between San Juan Del Rio and Santa Eulalia streets. Phone(s): (614) 439.0103 / (614) 439.0103 / (614) 439.0100 ext. 7189. E-mail(s): ehorn@bafar.com.mx. Office hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm and Monday to Friday from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. |