Payroll Credit
Exclusive product for employees of Crocsa Corporativo, S.A. de CV companies. (Vextor Nómina 2 Credit).
Hiring Requirements
- Age: 18 to 64 years old.
- Seniority: minimum 3 months.
- To have a plant contract.
- Type of person: natural person.
- Minimum income: $5,000.00 pesos.
- Receive salary via payroll.
- That the company has an agreement with Vextor to provide this service.
- Credit application duly completed and signed.
Documents to be submitted:
- Valid official identification: INE, Passport or license (this last one applies only for clients from the state of Chihuahua).
- Proof of current address: electricity, water or telephone (if it does not match the one in the INE).
- Proof of income: Payroll slips
- Loans according to each employee’s payment capacity
- Terms from 6 to 36 months.
- Fixed payments.
- Form of payment: weekly, biweekly, biweekly or monthly.
- Life insurance is required (optional with our institution).
- The endorsement of the agreement company is required.
- No commissions.
- No credit history review.
For further information, please call (614) 439.0100 ext. 7339 and 7360.
Pursuant to Articles 87-B and 87-J of the General Law of Credit Organizations and Auxiliary Activities, Vector Activo, S.A. de C.V. SOFOM E.N.R. does not require authorization from the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit for its incorporation and operation, and is subject to the supervision of the National Banking and Securities Commission only for purposes of Article 56 of the aforementioned Law.