Bafar Payroll Credit
Exclusive product for employees of Grupo Bafar subsidiaries (Bafar Payroll Credit).
Hiring Requirements
- Be an employee of any of Grupo Bafar S.A.B. de C.V.’s subsidiaries.
- Age: 18 to 64 years old.
- Seniority: minimum 6 months for Corporate collaborators and 3 months for the rest of the personnel.
- To have a plant contract.
- Type of person: natural person.
- Minimum income: $2,000.00 pesos.
- Receive salary via payroll.
- Credit application duly completed and signed.
Documents to be submitted:
- Valid official identification: INE, Passport or license (the latter applies only for clients from the state of Chihuahua).
- Proof of current address: electricity, water or telephone (if it does not match the one in the INE).
- Proof of income: Payroll receipts.
- Loans according to the payment capacity of each employee.
- Terms from 2 to 48 months.
- Fixed payments.
- Form of payment: weekly or biweekly
- Option to include in your loan, bonus payments and/or up to 2 savings funds per year.
- Life insurance is required (optional with our institution).
- 2 to 4 guarantors are required.
- No commissions.
- No credit history review.
For further information, please call (614) 439.0100 ext. 7339 and 7360.